Alanis Morissette: A primavera nuovo DVD in America
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10/01/2005: News - Uscita discografica
 A primavera nuovo DVD in America
Prevesta per il 12 aprile l'uscita (al momento) solo in USA e Canada

New Alanis DVDEcco come viene annunciata l'uscita del nuovo dvd da Soundstage:

Explosive and energetic, Alanis Morissette pulls in the audience on this Soundstage with hints of hard rock, gentle folk, electronic beats and free flowing Eastern melodies. The set includes quintessential hits about loving and letting go from the seven-time Grammy winner's days as a confessional rock phenomenon: "All I Really Want," "Hands Clean," "Thank U" and "Uninvited." The singer/songwriter also introduces fans to her latest and most adventurous album, So-Called Chaos, with songs including "Eight Easy Steps," and "Excuses," among others.

The honest, unadulterated performance reflects Morissette's move away from her days as a rancorous 90's rocker, and into the mode of mature musician ready to experiment with her strengths. Morissette's enduring introspection, continual evolution and evocative stage presence shine in this Soundstage performance

Ed ecco la scaletta:

All I Really Want
21 Things I Want In A Lover
Hands Clean
8 Easy Steps
Head Over Feet
Knees Of My Bees
This Grudge
You Oughta Know
Thank U

E' inoltre possibile guardare in streaming un piccolo clip di 30 secondi del dvd.

Al momento è prevista l'uscita in USA e Canada, ma sicuramente il dvd, a meno di autolesionismi clamorosi, verrà importato anche in Europa. Resta da capire quando...

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