Alanis Morissette: Testi, Traduzioni, Accordi e Spartiti per chitarra e tanto altro su Alanis Morissette...
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Segui il Tour 2005 con

Schede concerti 2005:

11/02/2005 - House of Blues - West Hollywood, USA
05/04/2005 - Expo 2005 - Aichi, Giappone
09/04/2005 - Arena - Horsens, Danimarca
11/04/2005 - Spektrum - Oslo, Norvegia
13/04/2005 - CCH/3 Colorline - Amburgo, Germania
15/04/2005 - Olymphiahalle - Monaco, Germania
16/04/2005 - Palladium - Colonia, Germania
18/04/2005 - Le Zenith - Parigi, Francia
19/04/2005 - Ahoy - Rotterdam, Olanda
21/04/2005 - Brixton - Londra, Inghilterra
22/04/2005 - Apollo - Manchester, Inghilterra
24/04/2005 - Forest Vorst Nationaal - Bruxelles, Belgio
25/04/2005 - Jahrhunderhalle - Francoforte, Germania
26/04/2005 - Stadhalle - Fürth, Germania
28/04/2005 - Filaforum di Assago - Milano, Italia
30/04/2005 - Top Of The Mountain Concert - Ischgl, Austria
01/05/2005 - Gasometer - Vienna, Austria
02/05/2005 - Palace of Art - Budapest, Ungheria
05/05/2005 - Dauwpop Festival - Hallendorn, Olanda
07/05/2005 - Maag EventHall - Zurigo, Svizzera
09/05/2005 - University of Coimbra - Coimbra, Portogallo
11/05/2005 - Semana Académica do Algarve - Faro, Portogallo
07/06/2005 - Hummingbird Centre - Toronto, Canada
08/06/2005 - Masonic Temple Center - Detroit, USA
10/06/2005 - Orpheum Theater - Minneapolis, USA
11/06/2005 - Auditorium Theater - Chicago, USA
14/06/2005 - Merriam Theater - Philadelphia, USA
15/06/2005 - Radio City Music Hall - New York City, USA
17/06/2005 - Wang Theatre - Boston, USA
18/06/2005 - Meyerhoff Symphony Hall - Baltimore, USA
20/06/2005 - The Aronoff Center For The Performing Arts - Cincinnati, USA
21/06/2005 - Ryman Auditorium - Nashville, USA
22/06/2005 - The Fox Theater - Atlanta, USA
24/06/2005 - Jackie Gleason Theater - Miami, USA
25/06/2005 - Ruth Eckerd - Clearwater, USA
26/06/2005 - Bob Carr Center - Orlando, USA
28/06/2005 - Saenger Theater - New Orleans, USA
29/06/2005 - Jones Hall - Houston, USA
02/07/2005 - Fox Theater - St. Louis, USA
03/07/2005 - Midland Theatre - Kansas City, USA
05/07/2005 - Paramount Theater - Denver, USA
08/07/2005 - Arelene Schnitzer Concert Hall - Portland, USA
10/07/2005 - Paramount Theater - Seattle , USA
12/07/2005 - Paramount Theatre - Oakland, USA
13/07/2005 - Walt Disney Concert Hall - Los Angeles, USA
15/07/2005 - Copley Symphony Hall - San Diego, USA
16/07/2005 - Dodge Theater - Phoenix, USA
17/07/2005 - Orange County Performing Arts Center - Costa Mesa, USA

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