07/10/2003: News - Prossimo album L'album uscirà a febbraio... Questo ed altro nel diario di Alanis
Ecco la nuova diary entry che Alanis ha scritto ai suoi fans per salutarli e nella quale racconta del suo tour sudamericano e annuncia che l'album uscirà l'anno prossimo (probabilmente a febbraio).
Questo il testo integrale:
Hey there,
Checking in upon returning from South America. Incredible experience, strange and perfect how I feel so at home there. I am still having dreams of being there, and in them I feel invincible and wide-eyed and explorative, three year old style. I think there's something about how touring is being approached now, if not my whole life, that has brought me back to how I used to approach life when I was single digits age. Like an androgynous boy-girl, bite-out-of-lifer, with joy being the gauge as to whether I'll do something (and I do feel joy when I'm working my ass off at times, so it's not like now all I want to do is eat bon bons all the time, although I do love eating bon bons.
Something that I had no intention of responding to or commenting on because it was comedic to me was the story about my having said "thank you brazil" in peru. there is no question that i can be a flake like the best of them. I can claim that I'm disoriented, discombobulated, drunk, flakey and all of the cousins of those words in moments throughout my life. The part that inspired me to write however, is not so much how I came across in these misinformed pieces of news that have traveled across north America with such speed as to come across as something that actually happened and matters (neither being the case), but that it traveled around at such speed and with such tenacity with it being entirely untrue. My thought is that if it can happen with something as silly and innocuous as this, that news in general is something best to be considered as a potentially fictitious option, rather than as fact. This is not something new, I've always thought this, but this last couple of weeks, when I've listened to countless people tell me "wow, must be hard to have fucked up in public like that eh?" all across north America, I've really had it further nailed in. (incidentally, I said "thank you, bless you" at the end of my show in peru (the amount of bigness and love in the room floors me at times) and not "thank you brazil").
It further affirms my thought that everything is perspective, including what I'm writing right now. It affirms that regardless of what I read or am exposed to that I have the ability, opportunity and some might say responsibility to be discriminating and discerning as I take it in. that questioning what the media portrays as real and irrefutable truth will continue to serve me well (whether it's about movie stars or murderers). And that ultimately there is no such thing as "objective truth" anyway. That it's the glasses through which we each look at life that defines what our individual truths are. (and here's to wishing that our individual truths align enough to take the human race and this planet safely into the next decade, let alone millennium!)
Finishing mixing the record over the next couple of weeks. Thinking it will come out in the new year (feb). I love it. And I look forward to sharing it in the spirit that it was written, to define and get a quick snapshot of where I'm at in this particular era of my life.
I love you.
With you.
Hoping this letter finds you well and inspired and self-loved up.